The clear goal of Holger Lietz is to delight his audience with content, stimuli, ideas and with a performance that remains in mind. Please read for yourself what clients, event managers and participants say about Holger Lietz’s keynotes.
Break the sound barrier in management.
“Mr. Lietz’s presentation at our Success Meeting completely exceeded our expectations. Practical, thrilling and intelligent, he showed how to break the sound barrier in management and face all challenges, whether in the air or on the ground. Thank you very much for this!”

The audience was captivated
“With your authentic and convincing presence on stage, you succeeded in captivating the audience. Thank you for taking us on this very special journey.”

Management methods for business.
“A rhetorical rapid flight beyond the sonic barrier, gripping and of absolute practical relevance. After the keynote, you feel equipped with fighter pilot methods for your daily business.”

Inspiring, entertaining, exciting!
“Thank you very much for the inspiring, entertaining and exciting keynote. The participants were very thrilled”.

“Your transfer of fighter pilots methods to business is something I’ve never seen or heard before. Very instructive and applicable. Your keynote was brilliant and I really enjoyed it!”

Benefits for day-to-day leadership work.
“A haunting and inspiring keynote with tangible benefits for day-to-day leadership work.”

Smart, inspiring and professional!
“Holger Lietz impressed all participants at our Strategic Forum. Smart, inspiring and professional! Thank you for your wonderful keynote!”

Fast-paced! Inspiring for new perspectives with high practical relevance.
“Fast-paced. Inspiring. A great keynote with high practical relevance! You took us on an impressive journey that gave us a view through the pilot’s visor. Thank you very much for a keynote that encourages to take new perspectives and sensitizes to always keep a cool head when it comes to making the right decision.”

Excellent and recommendable!
“Excellent and recommendable! Holger Lietz makes an excellent contribution to overcome folklore, half-knowledge, fads and charlatanism in terms of management. Based on his own career, he shows that management skills are the nuts and bolts of any organization. Only those who again and again apply these skills and strive for improvement, can achieve maximum efficiency in this profession.”

The audience was enthusiastic.
“I want to thank you for your very emotionalising and enriching keynote! In addition to the factual information, inspiring our clients plays a major role for us. That’s what you have achieved in an ideal manner. Besides your rousing speech, you managed to transfer insights from aviation to the audience in their own working context. The participants were absolutely enthusiastic. I was also very impressed from the professional preparation and the flexible responsiveness to our requests!”

Rarely heard such an excellent keynote: Mission completed!
“An exciting and refreshing keynote. Holger Lietz had the complete attention of the audience from the start and was with his comparison between managers and fighter pilots right on target. I have rarely heard such an excellent keynote: Mission completed!”

It carried the audience away!
“A keynote that engages the audience and very quickly and clearly shows how your experience as a fighter pilot can be applied to business.”

Instructive and exciting!
“Fast decisions in ever-changing and unpredictable situations – whether as a fighter pilot or as a manager for IT security. That is what keynote speaker Holger Lietz gave us an in-depth understanding of in an instructive and exciting keynote. Thank you very much for that experience!”

A good orientation for managers.
“A fascinating insight into the world and mindset of fighter pilots. As different as the work environment in the cockpit and office seems to be, the methods of fighter pilots are a good orientation for managers to prepare for hectic situations where a cool head is needed.”

Methodically unbeatable!
“I enjoyed your keynote very much! It was fascinating how you transferred the feelings of a fighter pilot during takeoff in the heads of the audience at the beginning of your speech. The decision method of fighter pilots is absolutely pragmatic and practicable. My conclusion: Methodically unbeatable, thereby completely authentic and absolutely convincing!”

One of the best keynotes.
“Rhetorically and contextually one of the best keynotes I’ve ever experienced. A real recommendation!”

Something special!
“A keynote of a fighter pilot who speaks from his own marketing experience must be something special. It definitely is. Holger Lietz – as usual in the military – gives clear instructions what to do and why. Highly recommended!”

Important for our management & business decision-making ability.
“Get in. Strap in. Full throttle. Liftoff. A racy keynote with important stimuli for the decision-making ability of our management and our business.”

High topical!
“We have been getting only positive feedback, and that is especially due to your highly topical and very well received keynote. Thank you for your contribution as a guest speaker to the success of our convention.”

Phenomenal! Experiences for daily management practices.
“As a sociologist and a former fighter and test pilot of the Czechoslovak Air Force, I am able to judge the keynote by Holger Lietz professionally. His performance as a speaker is phenomenal. He confirms my belief that everything in life is comparable to flying, especially in management. Managers, specifically leaders, should listen to his keynotes and apply what he has learned from his experiences in their daily practices.”

The high flyer!
“Your presentation was one of the ‘high flyers’ for us!”

To the point.
“The keynote by Holger Lietz was extremely interesting, inspiring and to the point. I will keep him on ‘my radar’ as a keynote speaker.”
Highly recommended.
“Keynote speaker Holger Lietz ensured a great kick-off for the CMO Summit. His keynote was entertaining, charming, direct, and gave the participants practice-orientated stimuli. To be highly recommended.”
Unique, enthralling and practice-orientated.
“The experience of Holger Lietz as a fighter pilot and years as a top manager make his keynotes unique, enthralling and practice-orientated.”

Top keynote within last 5 years!
“Thank-you for the absolutely inspiring 60 minutes. The keynote at the Marketing Club Hamburg was by far one of the top 3 within the last 5 years.”

A firework of examples and tips.
“Holger Lietz made his keynote an experience. Without unnecessary extras, he outlines the necessary steps for a paradigm shift in Marketing in our digital world. A firework of examples and tips. Keep it up.”

A new Marketing approach!
“I have heard a very interesting keynote on new connected consumers. Very good and completely entertaining, thanks for the new approach!”
Extraordinary physical presence and expertise.
“Holger Lietz, as a professional keynote speaker, was able to engage his audience by his extraordinary physical presence on stage and his widely accepted expertise – and this in an entertaining manner.”

A pragmatic approach and easy-to-follow!
“I have followed your entertaining, practical and provocative keynote at the manager-lounge with enthusiasm. Above all, your pragmatic approach as well as your easy-to-follow presentation really convinced me.”

Excellent speaker and representative of his field of expertise!
“Holger Lietz impressed us as an excellent speaker and representative of his field of expertise and convinced us with his rhetorically compelling, entertaining and practical presentation.”

Valuable Marketing insights, highly recommended!
“My compliments, your keynote was a very refreshing start into the Luxury Business Day. A direct and blunt approach of the core problems of luxury companies in relation to the interactive dialogue with customers. The new challenges were not only well-illustrated, but were also followed up with workable solutions. Valuable insights were given. To be highly recommended!”

An excellent keynote speaker and marketing expert.
“I had the pleasure of experiencing Holger Lietz at an event in the manager-lounge in Frankfurt and I can only recommend him. He is profound and takes a firm stand based on various examples from his Marketing experience. An excellent keynote speaker and marketing expert.”

A new Marketing reality!
“Thanks for the great keynote. Some people really need to wake up to ensure that the new marketing realties will not close in on them.”

Actionable stimuli for Marketing & Sales.
“Thank-you for providing such first-class keynote. It was amusing, entertaining throughout and very motivating for my sales team. Very stimulating and with actionable stimuli for everyday Marketing and Sales work!”

Really convincing examples.
“He immediately caught the attention of the more than 150 participants through his distinctive stage presence. Within 30 minutes he had clearly spelled out that the luxury sector needs to follow the different ‘Consumer Journeys’ of the increasingly mobile shoppers without losing its exclusivity. He also provided convincing examples on how to play Social Media elegantly as a communication channel.”

Definitely leads to new insights.
“Holger Lietz’s keynote clears up old thinking and definitely leads to new insights. Experiencing Holger Lietz in lecture is enriching.”

I see the world now with different eyes!
“Thank-you for the fascinating marketing keynote – I see the world now with different eyes.“
The keynote electrified the guests!
“The kick-off keynote by Holger Lietz on the Luxury Business Day electrified the guests because he managed to balance sales-driven directness and distinguish distance as a sales concept for luxury products.”

An inspiring keynote by a visionary speaker.
“An inspiring keynote by a visionary speaker. Holger Lietz has led us to rethink existing standards and illustrated new perspectives at same time.”

It was the topic for days.
“His keynote was the topic for days at our company.”

Absolutely practice-orientated!
“I thought that I had already heard everything about decision-making and communication, but I was mistaken. Absolutely practice-orientated.”

Critical Marketing insights for companies.
“It was a very impressive event. Those who were not present have missed critical insights for their own marketing thinking to drive Marketing within their companies.”

Simply amazing and absolutely relevant in practice.
“Simply amazing and absolutely relevant in practice. You notice immediately that Holger Lietz has decades of experience as a top manager.”

Great potential for inspiration!
“Great presentation, great inspiration for potential new ways!”

A keynote with wow-factor!
“We wanted a speaker with real management background. This is what Holger Lietz got, and he incorporates it with a real ‘wow factor’ in his keynote.”

Great keynote, beautiful inspiration!.
“Great keynote, beautiful inspiration! I very much hope that I get the opportunity again!”

A lot of impetus for our daily work.
“Thank you for your keynote! It took us on a supersonic flight and gave us a lot of impetus for our daily work.”

It grabbed the audience!
“A great keynote, which grabbed the audience both in terms of content and emotion. Holger Lietz is a real booking recommendation!”