In Germany
and International.
It carried the audience away!
“A keynote that engages the audience and very quickly and clearly shows how your experience as a fighter pilot can be applied to business.”

Important for our management & business decision-making ability.
“Get in. Strap in. Full throttle. Liftoff. A racy keynote with important stimuli for the decision-making ability of our management and our business.”

Benefits for day-to-day leadership work.
“A haunting and inspiring keynote with tangible benefits for day-to-day leadership work.”

“Your transfer of fighter pilots methods to business is something I’ve never seen or heard before. Very instructive and applicable. Your keynote was brilliant and I really enjoyed it!”

Unique, enthralling and practice-orientated.
“The experience of Holger Lietz as a fighter pilot and years as a top manager make his keynotes unique, enthralling and practice-orientated.”

Methodically unbeatable!
“The decision method of fighter pilots is absolutely pragmatic and practicable. My conclusion: Methodically unbeatable, thereby completely authentic and absolutely convincing!”

Break the sound barrier in management.
“Practical, thrilling and intelligent keynote, he showed how to break the sound barrier in management and face all challenges, whether in the air or on the ground.”

Rarely heard such an excellent keynote: Mission completed!
“An exciting and refreshing keynote. Holger Lietz was with his comparison between managers and fighter pilots right on target.”

A lot of impetus for our daily work.
“Thank you for your keynote! It took us on a supersonic flight and gave us a lot of impetus for our daily work.”

One of the best keynotes.
“Rhetorically and contextually one of the best keynotes I’ve ever experienced. A real recommendation!”

The audience was captivated
“With your authentic and convincing presence on stage, you succeeded in captivating the audience. Thank you for taking us on this very special journey.”

A good orientation for managers.
“The methods of fighter pilots are a good orientation for managers to prepare for hectic situations where a cool head is needed.”

Simply amazing and absolutely relevant in practice.
“Simply amazing and absolutely relevant in practice. You notice immediately that Holger Lietz has decades of experience as a top manager.”

Management methods for business.
“A rhetorical rapid flight beyond the sonic barrier, gripping and of absolute practical relevance. After the keynote, you feel equipped with fighter pilot methods for your daily business.”

Clients. (Extract)
- 3m5. Media GmbH
- Academy for Marketing Communication
- AMC. Advanced Marketing Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
- B2B Business Fair
- Federal Republic of Germany Fanancial Agency GmbH
- BVB. Basler Verkehrsbetriebe, Switzerland
- BVM. Kongress der deutschen Marktforschung, Berlin
- Check Point Software Technologies AG, Switzerland
- CMO Executive Circle
- CMO Gipfel, Heiligendamm
- DGQ. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität
- Electrolux AG, Switzerland
- EMS-Chemie AG, Switzerland
- EVENTUS GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
- FAST-UP Partners, France
- Fuhrpark & Mobility Executive Circle
- HOPI HOLDING a.s., Czech Republic
- 7. Immobilienforum München
- Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Switzerland
- kmm Hamburg, Themenwoche Digitale Medien
- Linklaters LLP, Frankfurt am Mian
- Lufthansa AG
- Luxury Business Day München
- Management Circle. Bildung für die Besten
- manager-lounge Berlin. leaders network. Der Businessclub des manager-magazins
- manager-lounge Frankfurt am Main. leaders network. Der Businessclub des manager-magazins
- manager-lounge Hamburg. leaders network. Der Businessclub des manager-magazins
- manager-lounge Köln. leaders network. Der Businessclub des manager-magazin
- M3 Vortragsreihe, University of Applied Science Mainz
- marcus evans
- MARITIM Hotelgesellschaft mbH
- Markencamp München
- Marketing Club Braunschweig
- Marketing Club Erfurt
- Marketing Club Göttingen
- Marketing Club Hamburg
- Marketing Club Leipzig
- Marketing Club Magdeburg
- Marketing Club Mainfranken
- Marketing Club Paderborn
- Marketing Club Saar
- MARS Incorporated, U.S.A.
- Movie meets Media
- N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft
- PATRIZIA Immobilien AG
- Raise the Bar, UK
- Regenta GmbH
- Robert Half Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
- RUAG Group, Switzerland
- SimCorp AG
- simple system GmbH & Co. KG
- Sören Bauer Events GmbH
- Strategické Fórum, Prag
- top vision open events s.r.o., Czech Republic
- Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Germany GmbH
- VDV-Akademie. Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen
- Vanoli AG, Switzerland
- WatchGuard Technologies, U.S.A.
- WirmachenDRUCK GmbH
- Wirtschaftsclub Bremen
- Xenagos GmbH, The Sales Recruiter