Winning the War for the new Consumer.
Social media, mobile applications, almost every day a new digital platform: This makes Marketing almost a flight with jet speed. These developments are not only changing the world we live in, they have also created a new consumer – the ‘iConsumer’. They fly ‘under the radar’, have in the meantime developed their own consumer-driven ‘pull-marketing’ and are therefore hard to target using traditional Marketing methods. They now sit at the controls and determine the course.
Traditional Marketing is increasingly becoming a ‘blind flight in the digital cloud’. What matters now is new Marketing thinking: Similar to a fighter pilot who, depends on his cockpit instruments, Marketing needs a new ‘communication cockpit’ to meet today’s changed Marketing mission requirements.
But how do you turn a ‘Fighter Pilot’s cockpit’ into a ‘Marketing Cockpit’? Holger Lietz knows the answers thanks to his training as a fighter pilot and his career spanning 20-years in top management positions. He has the new type of consumer on his radar. He shows how they function and how companies can reach them again. With numerous best practice examples, Holger Lietz provides opportunities that lie within consistent Marketing realignment. Decision-makers receive impulses and recommendations for their ‘Operation New Marketing’.
Holger Lietz provides insights into the new Marketing Cockpit and discloses:
- How to adjust one’s radar and keep the iConsumer one’s sight.
- What today’s required purchase decision models are.
- What kind of strategic communication and Brand Management will reach the iConsumer again.
- How to face the iConsumer with relevant content.
Target Group.
- Executives, Manager and Teams: For everyone, who wants to efficiently shape their Marketing, necessary to win ‘the War for Consumers’.
Keynote Duration.
- 45 or 60 minutes.