Escape communication overkill.
More and more e-mails, meetings, phone calls with even more participants and incessant ‘PowerPoint battles’: Todays managers are under constant communication bombardment – they are ‘under fire’! However, as a result of this communication overkill, internal communication is increasingly becoming a burden. A manager has less and less time to deal with his most important task: His business. As a former Fighter Pilot and top manager, Holger Lietz knows that fast, precise, unambiguous and efficiently organized communication is the key to success – in a mission, as in business.
In this digital age, any service can be outsourced and almost any technology purchased. However, internal communication cannot be outsourced. This becomes increasingly a decisive competitive advantage: Those who organise their internal communication efficiently gain more time for their business, are faster and more agile in the market – and therefore always one step ahead of their competition.
Holger Lietz has combined his experience and methods from both worlds. In his keynote, he gives decisive impulses for your personal ‘survival kit’ in everyday communication overkill:
- How to reduce internal ‘E-Mail Bombardment’.
- How to escape ‘Meeting Mania’.
- How to gain more time for the most important thing in one’s professional life: One’s business.
Target Group.
- C-level, Executives and Managers: For everyone, who wants to shape their internal communication efficiently in order to gain competitive advantage.
Keynote Duration.
- 45 or 60 minutes.